Configuring the CyberCafePro Server Software
Only an employee with proper permissions defined in the Employee Setup form can set up or alter the configuration of the CyberCafePro Internet cafe software server. Your center must have at least one employee with administrative access rights.
CyberCafePro is owned by the owners of so if you need to ask questions please contact them.
How to Configure CyberCafePro Server
For more information on permissions, see Setting Up Your Admin Employee.
Accessing the Store Configuration Panel
Navigation: Admin icon > System Settings > Store Configuration
To begin configuring the MCS Server:
- Click the Admin icon at the top right hand corner of the Main Control Station console.
- Click System Settings to expand the menu.
- Select the Store Configuration menu item.
Using the Location Configuration Panel
The Location Configuration panel lets you set up Server language, store name, and several key operation settings in section #2 .
MCS Server Language
During the Installation, you may choose from 3 recently and professionally localized languages for CyberCafePro 6: English, Spanish or Portuguese. That choice during the Installation will automatically set both the MCS and Clients to that language chosen:
Store Location
Your location store name should be populated automatically from your prior CyberCafePro Registration wizard.
Other Operational Settings
In section 2 in the Store Configuration, you can enable (or disable by clearing the check box): Timecodes and Play & Pay; Desktop Access (an improved customer experience), Internet Access (in case you wish to use, for example, Timecodes for a cheaper gaming or desktop-only access); and Launch Pad (which provides the users a quick launch of all applications, as you have organized them versus having to find them via the Start button).
All CyberCafePro locations are by default enabled to offer User Accounts.
The Accounts icon
If only User Accounts are enabled, then just the Accounts icon displays in the Admin screen. If both User Accounts and Timecodes are enabled, then both Timecodes and Accounts icons display in the Admin screen.
The Timecodes icon
Timecodes are alphanumeric anonymous prepaid time payments, used for logging on to Clients.
Pay & Play icon
If Play & Pay Mode is enabled on a Client computer, after clicking Start, the customer will be taken directly to the Desktop (without any logon process).
Otherwise, the customer is given a choice of either Timecode (except for Telecentres) or User Account logon types.
Desktop Access and Internet Access
You can also safely select (by checking the optional boxes in Location Configuration) to offer:
Desktop Access for all Customers (generally preferred and appreciated but more dangerous)
Internet Access (usually the default is enabled) and Launch Pad for convenient shortcut navigation to games and/or popular applications that would (if enabled) appear on all Client Computer Desktops.
Note: By disabling Internet Access under Timecodes, you could choose to offer discounted pricing for desktop applications only (e.g. games, Office), where no bandwidth expense would be incurred.
Setting up the Store Configuration
Click OK when you are done setting up the store configuration.